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It’s time to get techy with two hoops.

It’s time — to get tried, true, and tested, along with getting totally tubular. It’s time: to level the tech up. WHERE is this coming from, I don’t even know, let’s lock, load, and leave laundry alone in favour of hooping it up. You need: two hoops.

This sequence of moves is designed for anyone with just a bit of experience, as well as intermediate hoopers. Read on for hooping lockdown exercise for the GREATS.

Gripped Twin Hoop Moves

Why you can start right now, wherever you’re at with your hooping. There is no such thing as “too beginner to pick up two hoops”.

You don’t have to be a hoop maestro to learn twin hooping. I challenge you to pick up a second hoop, and try something new with two hoops. Push one out. Pull it back in. Push them both out – in the same direction or opposite direction. Put your arms over your head. There’s no need to let go of the hoops at all to begin with. In fact, when it comes to two hoops, there’s pretty much a whole world of twins moves where you don’t have to let go of them at all. Want some inspo? This video shows you how.

Foundations you need → NADA a.k.a. No “pro” two hoops moves.

Double Z-Spin Tech: 3 Variations

It’s time to move forth: two hoops for the win.

Remember how we said you don’t need to let go of either one of your two hoops for twin hooping? If you’ve heard of a Z-Spin move – which is like a flippy unravel move over your head that feels good for most shoulders, then you can give it a go with two hoops. Challenge. Accepteeeeeed. Lockdown with your twins like a pro with this tutorial here.

Foundations you need → nada, but useful to know a basic Z spin move

3 beat weave with a handroll

“3 beat my weave and smack that handroll” said Helly Hoops when I showed her this move. Weird and hilarious I know.

Ninja time? OKAY. For those of you wanting to try something more, we’re diving into a 3 Beat Weave with a handroll. I always love seeing what my students come up with in their own kooky minds when I teach this move in class. If you try this move and nail it superbly, please tag my sweet buttooty so I can watch your nice variation → @donnasparx

Foundations you need → 2 beat weave, and yer two hoops (dah)

Right, it’s a bit tricky, but once you’ve got both the handroll component and the 2 beat weave down, you’re in business. The next step is just grabbing those two hoops and working on timing. It’s a matter of melting them together into the twin pool soup. You can always come back in a bit if you’d like to stick with the first move. Or, try one part of the combo, like the handroll, and groove with that. Putting the two hoops together can be a step by step process – as learning so often is and should be!

Sparx weave

My very own two hoops move.

I’m SUPER proud of this techy move, made of 4 moves. It took me 18 months to get it smooth and understand it enough to be able to break it down, work out what on earth was going on with those two hoops and then be able to teach it! The incredible Steve Bags was totally part of this journey in that he confirmed a) it would be possible and b) it hadn’t been done before that he knew of. So, I named it the Sparx Weave! You start off learning it with just one hoop, then add in a second later. It’s a combination of a Z-spin, handroll, some kind of iso-drop thingy and a weave. It’s multi-layered and ‘m pretty sure you’ll nail it in way less than the 18 months it took me to work it out! I’ve taught it all over the world and would love for you to grab your two hoops, give it a go and let me know how you find it.

Foundations you need → Basic two beat weave.

Have you tried this move, or a move like this? I wanna see! Tag me @donnasparx on IG

Skiddy Z-spin

Want more twin level-ups for your tech-head, brain melty, two hoops funtimes? My latest Skiddy ZSpins twins tutorial, is weird, whacky and a whole lotta fun. This innovative twins move blends a 2 hoop Zspin Variation with Skids!

Prerequisites are the:

What you’ll learn in the twins challenge – and a cheeky discount code

I’ve also created a 5-part Twins Challenge with 2.5 hours of tutorials to go with it! It’s called Level The tech up and it sold like bloody hotcakes when I launched it. Yes, it’s techy. Yes, I believe in you (and your fwends) to be able to do it. I’m a nutcase so I’ve actually broken down every. single. move. in the series. Which means that while some of these might seem like some insane tech, it’s actually accessible for a range of people, from beginner to pro. You just need two hoops. Really. Here are five reasons to jump in:

  • You’ve never seen a moooove like this before (times twenty five)
  • Your brain will be challenged and your body too!
  • More confidence with TWO hoops
  • Detailed videos give ya PLENTY to work with and heaps of info
  • Do the challenge at your own pace, in a way that fits in with your life

Level The Tech Up is an all-in 5-lesson virtual classroom and Twins Training bonanza that you can attend at your pace, hosted in a private Facebook group. Every lesson is 30 mins long and jam packed! The lessons are modular, so that when you’re done you click “DONE” and give yourself some jellybeans for doing ya homework. MYES. The lessons are also broken down into bite-sized chunks with easy to scroll headings to break up the moves and the layers within the moves to make it easy to find where you were up to and to really go at your own pace. Think you, a loungeroom, and two hoops.

And yes, I respond to written questions on there! Heck, some people even post videos showing what they are struggling with and I grab my phone and shoot a quick troubleshooting video in response! So many people nailed the fountain and thread the needle for the first time in this course – makes my day every time! Two hoops for lyf!!

You can find a demo of all the tricks you’ll learn here – and below.

Wanna dive on in? Here is a discount code that will get you 50% off  the Level The Tech Up Twins Challenge: lockdownlevelup

Bonus! Free Two Hoops Warm-Up (Private Link 😉 )

As a special treat for making it to the end of this blog, I hereby reward you with a delicious two hoops warm-up here – to get you started.. 😉 It’s a private video on my YouTube channel just for you! I’ve got heaps of other free tutorials on my Youtube channel too.

Hoop on, twin friends.

Two hoops. Level the tech up!

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